Friday, 3 September 2010

Wow, when it rains it pours! Had my interview for Next today- thought it went OK but it was about 45 minutes and some of the questions were reeeallly hard! And at the end we had to do a role play where I had to try and sell him a bread bin... and how exactly do you do that? I think I said something along the lines of: 'Do you have a bread bin? No? Well what do you do with your bread?' and than rabbited on about how rubbish freezers are because they make your bread soggy. Hell yeah. So one of those interviews where it's really hard to tell, and I have to wait two weeks to find out.

I also got another email last night from McDonald's inviting me to an interview, this time at Dalton Park. But there were no more interview slots left when I tried to choose one and then this morning I got an email saying I'd been rejected... so not entirely sure what that's all about!

And then finally, this afternoon I got an email saying I had been selected for a longlist interview at Sheffield University- it's an HR Internship at my old uni that I applied for a few weeks ago and had almost forgotten about. Luckily, the interviews don't clash with anything that I've already scheduled but the final interviews take place on the 12th October. If I manage to make it through to the F2F interviews for Disney, this is around the time I'd be expecting to hear back whether I got a place or not. So assuming I get to the final stage of both (and it's a big assumption I know) I could have some big decisions to make- one about a really good career opportunity and the other one about a once in a lifetime opportunity but that won't help my career in anyway. So if, for example, I got offered the job at Sheffield, it could still be a week or so before I found out about Disney. And what if I turned it down, but didn't get offered a role at Disney? Or what if I accepted, and then a role at Disney came up?Thing is, if I got offered them both at the same time, I'd definitely take Disney even though it's technically the less sensible option. I just want to work there so badly I don't care what other opportunities I miss. I'm already thinking about re-applying if I don't get through to Disney this time, but if I got a proper job I couldn't really do that. Arrggh decisions decisions. Of course, I might not get a F2F interview or a second interview at Sheffield, so really I should shut up.

So after a couple of months of nothing at all it now seems to be interviews, interviews, interviews! Hopefully this luck will continue when I find out about the most important interview of them all next week... x <3

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